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Killzone: Shadowfall PS4 | Send Mobile Phones to India

When the native planet of a race of aliens is wiped off of the face of existence, where could the remaining survivors seek refuge? What if the living space allotted to them was that of a former enemy, would peace still prevail? Killzone: Shadowfall is a single-player/multiplayer sci-fi first-person shooter PS4 game that has received a rating of 18 from PEGI.

The storyline of this enticing game is set on a planet named Vekta which houses the survivors of the Terracide which saw the destruction of the planet Helghan. All that separates the Helghasts and the Vektans is The Wall, and the state of affairs between the two races are grave. Since both the races resent each other, insurgents from the respective species of aliens try and harm the other by performing roguish activities. When a Vektan operative is sent on a mission to retrieve classified data, he finds out that a powerful bio-tech weapon is being created in order to annihilate the Vektans and half-breeds alike. A group of skilled Vektans must now embark on a voyage to quell the rising Helghast danger.

The gameplay has taken quite a few leaps from the previous installments of the Killzone series. The weapons that have been added to Shadow Fall apart from the standard ones include the LSR44, a recoil-free, hybrid charge/assault rifle, and the OWL, an advanced hovering attack drone that can stun/attack when adjacent to an enemy, deploy a zip line, protect the player from enemy fire, and scan/hack enemy alarms and terminals so as to prevent them from calling more troops. This installment of Killzone is more stealth-based and open-ended, hence requiring the player to be on his/her toes at all times. You can choose from three classes; Assault, Scout and Support, and level up your abilities and gain better weapons as you progress. There are, as of now, 10 maps, however, you can also create your own map so as to fight on a more challenging environment against other players.

Title            Killzone: Shadowfall
Category     Games
Platform      PS4
Publisher     Sony Computer Entertainment
Mode          Multi-Player, Single-Player
Genre         First-Person Shooter
